Pandemic Related info: We will be operating as a sports pod club. We only play with the same students every week. They will not be wearing masks and may be in close contact with each other due to the nature of soccer. Coaches will not be in as close of contact, but also will not be wearing masks.
As protective measures, we ask that you sanitize their hands before they participate. Also if they are sick or exposed to someone who has been sick, they may not participate.
Your child is welcome to wear a mask. You are signing up aware of the current COVID situtuation and understand there are no refunds.
Families are responsible for their own outdoor social distancing and masking decisions.
Step 2- Pay using the "Add to cart" box Add participants to your cart equal to the number of children you just registered. (Unfortunately paying on a phone has been a problem for some, if it is for you, please use a computer while we find a solution)